Postponed: Exhibition „Fascination of the Stage“, Baroque stage machinery at fingertips

Baroque stage machinery at fingertips
Postponed to 2021
As the Putbus Theatre opened its doors 200 years ago, it must have charmed its guests with fascinating visual effects and illusions. They were created by its historical stage machinery (of course at the corresponding technical level).
Stage scenery could be quite frequently changed already at those times. Appearances from Heaven (fly loft) or Hell (understage) were enormously important for plays with mythological background. How did one imitate sounds of rain, storm and thunder? How were illusions of waterfalls or stormy seas created?
You will find answers to these questions in our exhibition.
Its major highlight is the reconstructed baroque stage. During the exhibition, some performances will also take place on that stage.
Entrance is free, donations to the Association are welcome.