29.05. - 09.06.2025


Box Office opening times: Tuesday to Friday 10 am - 1pm and 4 pm - 6 pm
On performance days the Box Office will open one hour prior to the performance starting.

Telephone orders: 038 301 - 80 83 30. Tickets can also be ordered at all authorised booking agents in Germany and at eventim.de.
Theater Vorpommern GmbHTheater Putbus Markt 13, 18581 Putbus

Package price
Book a package and save! When booking three or more events (dinner excluding), you receive a 20% discount from a normal price (only box offices of the Vorpommern Theatre).

Anyone who would like to use the free theater taxi for the journey home (if arriving by public transport) must register this with the Putbus Theater by phone or email by 6 p.m. on the day at the latest.
Theater Vorpommern GmbH
Theater Putbus Merkt 13, 18581 Putbus

Theater Putbus, Markt 13, 18581 Putbus
Schlosspark Putbus
Kunstort „Alte Wassermühle“ Wreechen

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Thursday, May 29, 2025
8:30 pm

Tickets 30 - 40 €

Prussian Chamber Orchestra

Conductor: Jürgen Bruns
Harp: Sophia Warczak

Works by Mozart, Grieg, Strauss, Debussy, Karlowicz and others.

Liveliness and an unconditional desire for expression characterize the playing of the Prussian Chamber Orchestra under Jürgen Bruns. In the opening concert you will experience works inspired by dance that are entertaining and profound and are presented in the same way. Temperamental, dreamy, tangible, floating...

The Prussian Chamber Orchestra (PKO) was founded in 1994 as a young, innovative and flexible ensemble. The ensemble is based in Prenzlau, in the heart of the Uckermark.

Just as the Uckermark sees itself as a counterpoint to the metropolis of Berlin, the PKO sees itself as an agile and mobile counterpart to the region's large orchestras. The orchestra is a source of ideas and a cultural anchor point in the Uckermark and the state of Brandenburg.

At the start of the 2019/2020 season, Jürgen Bruns took over the artistic direction as music director and chief conductor of the ensemble.

The Prussian Chamber Orchestra is at home on international stages, regularly produces CDs and works continuously with broadcasters such as rbb and Deutschlandfunk Kultur. The twelve permanent musicians from six nations who form the core of the ensemble are soloists who are jointly committed to music and play at the highest level with enormous stylistic diversity. For the repertoire with larger ensembles, the orchestra works with a permanent core of freelance musicians.

In addition to the current concert programs, the PKO has increasingly made it its mission to promote music among children and young people in daycare centers and schools, to pass on experiences in workshops, to gain new venues and to constantly expand the scope of its work.

There is close cooperation with many choirs in the region. Choral-symphonic concerts with choirs from neighboring Poland, the Uckermärkischer Konzertchor Prenzlau, the Singakademie Potsdam, the Berliner Oratorien-Chor and other choirs from Germany and abroad have become crowd pullers.


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