All projects of the Putbus Theatre Friends' Association can only be carried out if they are adequately financed.
We rely on the membership fees and dynamic help of the Association members through their intensive daily work, however, this is not enough to bring to life our campaigns to support the theatre.
We are grateful to numerous donors who support our projects with donations in kind as well as financial donations.
We offer guided tours of the theatre and many events run by our Association free of charge and ask for a donation subsequently.
We see it as clear evidence of trust that on the occasion of a round birthday or a jubilee, the Association members ask for a donation to be made to the Putbus Theatre Friends' Association instead of presents or flowers.
As a non-profit association, we will post a donation receipt within four weeks if we know the donor‘s address.
Our bank details for donations:
Account holder: Förderverein Theater Putbus
Bank: Sparkasse Vorpommern
IBAN: DE65 1505 0500 0834 3801 02
BIC-/SWIFT-Code: NOLADE21GRW bei der Sparkasse Vorpommern
The reconstruction of the Putbus Theatre was a major financial effort for the District of Rügen at that time. The required sum was in excess of 16.5 millions DM. Despite public subsidies from the State of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, only a certain part of the total amount could be included in the district budget. The renovation lasted from 1992 till 1998 because the money had to be really “scraped” together.
The Putbus Theatre Friends' Association started raising money quite early through the symbolic “chair sale”.
Theatre friends and business companies donated 2000 DM each, and as a token of appreciation a name plate was put on a seat in the auditorium.
The "chair sale” continues to attract theatre enthusiasts who finance a seat with 1000 € in exchange for a name plate, thus supporting the work of our Association.
As of August 25, 2024, 89 seats were “taken”.
There is still enough room for a seat with your own name plate.
Seat sponsorship can also be arranged for a smaller donation. Interested? Please get in touch with the Board:
In recent years, artists of Rügen donated some of their artwork to the Association or made it available for a small price. The number of copies is limited.
Prints can be purchased (92 € each) at the theatre or through the Association (please contactvereinConten13Paragraph13$%@europehosttheater-putbus;TheatervereinBerlin.:deeduade).
Click on the image to enlarge.
Hanne Petrick
Original etching, 2001 (sold out) -
Hannelore Hoge
Woodblock print, 2002 -
Jörg Korkhaus
Lithography (hand made), each copy is unique, 2003 -
Egon Arnold
Linocut (hand made), each copy is unique, 2004 -
Hans Studer
Coloured woodblock print (hand made),
each copy is unique (sold out) -
Hans Studer
Coloured woodblock print (hand made),
each copy is unique