Foyer Meeting

Members of our association and theater fans meet regularly in the upper foyer of the theater on a Saturday or Sunday at 11 a.m. for an entertaining conversation with interesting personalities. Most of the time, the theater will be the theme.

Dramaturg Katja Pfeifer was our guest at the Foyertreff on November 5th, 2023

Visitors to the foyer meeting in the Putbus Theatre were able to gain deep insights into their working world in a conversation with Katja Pfeifer, music dramaturg at the Vorpommern Theater. Moderated by Marion Saße, Katja Pfeifer explained to the audience how musical theatre works. The look behind the scenes clarified the processes involved in creating a production, starting with the development of the schedule, through concept development, rehearsals and the finished production. Most guests were amazed at the variety of tasks that have to be solved before each premiere and learned a lot of interesting facts from the world of music dramaturgy.

The foyer meeting is one of the series of events organized by the Putbus Theatre Friends' Association.

The next foyer meeting will take place on April 6, 2024. The author and speaker Anette Gerhard is a guest.

Review: Second foyer meeting with Reinhard Piechocki 16.04.2023

That was the Second foyer meeting with Reinhard Piechocki on April 16, 2023

Reinhard Piechocki was interviewed by Marion Saße from the Putbus Theatre Friends' Association. The listeners were able to learn a lot of interesting and worth knowing things from his life.
Reinhard Piechocki lives in Kasnevitz and worked as a scientist on the island of Vilm until he retired. His love of art and culture gives him interesting pastimes.
He started playing the piano at the age of eight. And working with this instrument during the corona pandemic gave him the idea of organizing concerts at the Putbus Theater.

Now there are two successful concert series, the "Chopiniade" and the Piano Summer with young pianists

Review: Second foyer meeting with Reinhard Piechocki on April 16, 2023
Second foyer meeting on April 16, 2023


11/03/2024 11.00 a.m Foyer meeting 

Moderator Marion Saße with dramaturge Katja Pfeifer, November 05th, 2023

Moderator Marion Saße with dramaturge Katja Pfeifer on November 25th, 2025
Marion Saße and Katja Pfeifer, photo: private