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Poster handover to sponsors of the Putbus Theatre Friends` Association

Poster handover to sponsors of the Putbus Theatre Friends` Association

Press release from the Putbus Theatre Friends' Association

(Putbus, June 17, 2024) Culture needs friends. The Putbus Theatre Friends' Association can rely on the committed cooperation of sponsors for its projects. These include the Parkhotel Rügen in Bergen, the Hafenhotel Putbus and the Hotel Stranddistel in Göhren.

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Sparkasse Vorpommern

Sparkasse Vorpommern is again the main sponsor

Die Sparkasse Vorpommern was again able to be won as the main sponsor for the PUTBUS FESTSPIELE and the Comedy Regatta.

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03.03.2024 - General meeting of the Putbus Theatre Friends' Association with election of the board

Kerstin Kassner is the old and new chairwoman of the Putbus Theater Association.
After the end of the legislative period, Kerstin Kassner stood for re-election at the general meeting and was confirmed in her office with a large majority. Deputy chairman Klaus Möbus and treasurer Susanne Rutte were equally successful in the election.

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MV Volunteer Foundation donates to the Putbus Festival

As a reliable partner in matters of art and culture, the MV Volunteer Foundation supports the Putbus Theater Association with a donation of EUR 1,000.00, which requires proof.

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Rügensche Bäderbahn

Rügensche Bäderbahn - new sponsor of the Putbus Theatre Friends Association.

Rügensche Bäderbahn - also known as “Rasender Roland” -   will in future support the  Putbus Theatre Friends Association as a sponsor of the Comedy Regatta. The sponsorship contract was signed in January 2024.

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PERSPECTIV - Conference in Bad Lauchstädt, October 6th. - 07.10.23

20 years of PERSPECTIV: the Society of Historical Theaters in Europe met on its Germany route from October 6th   - October 7th, 2023 in Bad Lauchstädt.

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The owner of the Romantik Roewers Privathotel, Dagmar Roewers, and director Rainer Malchus accept the poster “Culture needs friends” from the chairwoman of the Theater Putbus support association, Kerstin Kassner

Poster handover to hotel partners of the Putbus Theatre Friends' Association

Sellin, November 29, 2023. As a thank you for the good partnership with the Romantik Roewers Privathotel and the Cliff Hotel Sellin, the chairwoman of the Putbus Theater Association, Kerstin Kassner, presented a poster “Culture needs friends”.

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