Rügener Kabarett-Regatta 2025 - REINER KRÖHNERT


Photo: Merzfoto.jpg

""ER - Now it's MERZworthy""

September 26, 2025 at 7.30 p.m

Stephen King's IT may have been defeated, but don't worry: The successor is already here and bears the illustrious name of Friedrich Merz. Who would have thought that the true "horror creature" of our time is a 1.98-meter-tall Teuton?

Reiner Kröhnert, the master of biting parody, brings this very Friedrich Merz to the stage. With his very own "merz-worthy" style, he demonstrates that political cabaret isn't dead after all.

Whether he's caricaturing Donald Trump, Angela Merkel, Robert Habeck, or even tennis legend Boris Becker, no celebrity is spared by Kröhnert. It's this subtle cruelty that almost hurts to laugh at, but that's precisely why it's so spot-on.

And now the shocking news: "ER - Now it's MERZworthy" isn't just a bit of satire. No, Kröhnert is letting it rip, shaking up even the most stable government structures.

Kröhnert's 1.98 meters and Merz's 1.98 meters – there's really only one question left: Did Merz perhaps copy his megalomania? One could easily think it's a double Friedrich, so perfectly does Kröhnert imitate the slick political slang of our "favorite chancellor."

And that's not all: On October 4, 2025, Reiner Kröhnert will be awarded the "BERLINER CABARET AWARD – DER EDDI" for his services to the "merzwürdige" entertainment culture.

Curtain up for Reiner Kröhnert’s piquant celebrity panopticon!

HE knows: "Laughter is hope's last weapon." And rest assured: This program is guaranteed to leave you with a laugh that sticks in your throat.
