Music in park

Culture and nature at “Music in the Park”

On Pentecost Sunday, music enchanted the Putbus Castle Park.

There was noise from all corners as music enthusiasts strolled through the park in the beautiful sunshine or spread their picnic blankets on the lawn and listened to their favorite songs.

With a program that changes every hour and many different line-ups, there was something for every musical taste. The numerous visitors honored it with much applause.

Prince Malte and his wife Luise strolled through the park and enjoyed the colorful hustle and bustle. The association members, who wore program flyers in historical costumes in exchange for a donation, also attracted attention.

“Music in the Park” was once again one of the highlights of the Putbus Festival organized by the Putbus Theatre Friend's Association.

Impressions of  Music in the Park
Photos: Christina Pöschel