Archive of the year 2020
The Day of Historical Theatres 2020 took place on 25.10.2020.
Visitors and guests could enjoy many interesting events!
At 7.30 p.m. a musical literary event took place in the theater.
Ulrike Mai and Lutz Gerlach (grand piano and keyboard) and Holger Teschke and Jan Bernhard (reading) organized the event.
--> more details
That was our 2020 Theatres Exploration Trip to Potsdam
25 members of our association joined this year's theatre trip to Potsdam!
We started September 16th on the castle tour by ship and ended the day in the castle theatre with a performance of Goethe's "Faust".
On the 17th followed the city tour with the vintage bus, a visit to the New Palace and a visit to the Schiffbauergasse with the Hans Otto Theater.
On the last day of the trip, on September 18th, we visited the Potsdam Film Museum. A crowning conclusion of the trip was in the evening "Wannsee in Flames".
All this with the best weather and the best atmosphere!
Some impressions
You celebrated with us 200 years of Putbus Theatre
Music in the park on the day before the Theatre birthday in Putbus Castle Park
Prince Malte zu Putbus had built the beautiful Putbus Theater 200 years ago.
Am 19. Juli wandelte er anlässlich des großen Jubiläums im historischen Gewand im Schlosspark und lud an verschiedenen lauschigen Plätzen zu kleinen Geburtstagskonzerten ein.
Musiker aus der Region spielten populäre Musik. Und da war garantiert für jeden Geschmack etwas dabei, als sich die Künstler in der Zeit von 11 bis 16 Uhr am Marstall, an den Schlossterrassen, im Rosencafe, am Puppenmuseum, an der Orangerie oder auf dem Theatervorplatz musikalisch „die Klinke in die Hand gaben“. Auch für die Kinder standen Veranstaltungen auf dem Programm.
Fehlte also nur noch der selbst gepackte Picknickkorb, Decke oder Campingstuhl – und auf ging's mit Mann und Maus zur großen Geburtstagsfeier in den Schlosspark zu Putbus.
Der Eintritt war frei. Gegen eine Spende von 5 Euro zugunsten des Fördervereins Theater Putbus e.V., der für diese Veranstaltung den Hut auf hatte, konnte ein Programmflyer von Mitgliedern des Fördervereins, die an den historischen Kostümen zu erkennen waren, erworben werden.
„Corona“ erforderte, Abstand zu halten (min. 1,5 m) und geschlossene Räume mit Mund- Nasenbedeckung zu betreten. Mitglieder des Fördervereins baten um Kontaktdaten.
New dates in 2021 from April 28 till June 13 are canceled
Baroque stage machinery at fingertips - canceled
Unfortunately, it will not be possible to show this interesting exhibition in the Putbus Marstall in 2021.
After a damage in the winter storage, it was canceled by the lender, Initiative Theatermuseum Berlin e.V.
After the postponement by Corona by one year now this...
We very much regret this and thank all sponsors and supporters who have supported this project.
As the Putbus Theatre opened its doors 200 years ago, it must have charmed its guests with fascinating visual effects and illusions. They were created by its historical stage machinery (of course at the corresponding technical level).
Stage scenery could be quite frequently changed already at those times. Appearances from Heaven (fly loft) or Hell (understage) were enormously important for plays with mythological background. How did one imitate sounds of rain, storm and thunder? How were illusions of waterfalls or stormy seas created?
You will find answers to these questions in our exhibition.
Its major highlight is the reconstructed baroque stage. During the exhibition, some performances will also take place on that stage.
Entrance is free, donations to the Association are welcome.
99 Funken (99 Sparks) was a crowdfunding platform of Sparkasse which we were using in order to finance one of our big undertakings. Through crowdfunding, we had launched an appeal to arrange a gift to the theatre for its 200th anniversary from many of its friends.
This campaign ended successfully on 09.04.2020. The raised funds amounted to 2.720 €. A huge Thank You to all our supporters.
Winner of the fundraiser 99 Funken
Two tickets for Festive event 200 years Putbus Theatre on July 20 or later
Cornelia Gloede, Bergen
Two tickets for „Der Apotheker“ on July 24 or later
Ariane Jezek, Putbus
Reyk Höhne, Bergen
Burga Gloede, Bergen
Voucher for two tickets for the PUTBUS FESTIVAL 2020/2021 or the XXIV Rügen Cabaret Regatta 2020
Ursel Steinberg, Prora
Hildegard Ingeborg Satzel
Heiko Lawrenz, Brandshagen
Book „Ein Schauspielhaus zwischen Himmel und Meer“ by Holger Teschke
Dr. Andreas Timme, Bergen
Christoph Körber, Bergen
Cathrin Münster
Sebastian Senst, Hamburg
Kati Ambrosat, Dumsevitz
It has been agreed that Marcus Ficker, a renowned sculptor and carver from Salzburg, will carve the new coat of arms out of wood and coat it with gold foil. The gold foil has already been donated by the Christel Hildebrand, a book-binder from Magdeburg.
In 1998, the Putbus Theatre was going to start a new life after extensive reconstruction and renovation. Then came the question: which coat of arms should be placed on the royal box?
The suggestion to use the coat of arms of the patron Wilhelm Malte zu Putbus (1783 – 1854) caused some political disturbance. A final decision regarding claims of the Royal House had not yet been reached, and the discussions were quite heated.
Those responsible, together with Franz zu Putbus, had decided to bring up a provisional coat of arms made of hard cardboard and to await public reaction. It would still be possible to have another one manufactured, this time of adequate quality.
The coat of arms of the Royal House was accepted from the beginning as an appropriate element of decoration, however, the cardboard replica remained.
Now it is a good time to replace the long-standing interim solution with a new and proper one.
It is envisaged that the new coat of arms will be unveiled on 20.07.2020 at the celebration of the 200th anniversary of the Putbus Theatre.